

Sensual voice, feline allure, deep blue eyes and a mysterious side coming from elsewhere, Evi Orosz invites you to discover her universe through her new clip Shadow. This one now resonates as an echo of current events in Australia ...

From an early age, Evi Orosz has been rocked by music. She started playing the piano at the age of 4 and soon participated in the "Les Jeunes Solistes" competition, presented by Georges Dumortier. At the age of 18, she finished her training with Beethoven's Concerto No. 4, accompanied by a symphonic orchestra, which developed her taste for the stage. However, his fate is not yet sealed ...

At the same time, she discovers another instrument, her voice. 2 years ago, this young Brussels girl started her project, as a singer-songwriter. With her producer Guy Waku, she naturally composes on the piano and refines her musical identity. Due to his influences (Alicia Keys, Michael Jackson, Emeli Sandé, Coldplay, Adele, Dua Lipa, etc.), writing texts is done spontaneously in English. She offers pop songs, intense and bewitching, sometimes tinged with soul, funk, RnB, or even more electro. A universe of varied colors and sounds, like this chameleon artist.

She released her first single Shadow, broadcast on the radio and appreciated by thousands of listeners, then participated in July 2019 in the Francofolies de Spa.

For the official launch of her new music video, discover one of Evi's other passions ... A high-level gymnast but also a dancer, this talented singer realizes her dream in pictures. Evi called on a Belgian director of international renown. Michaël Pierrard has worked in particular with Maurice Béjart, Karl Lagerfeld or Claude Lelouch and Luc Besson.


She was also fortunate to be accompanied by an exceptional Japanese dancer, Juichi Kobayashi, who was part of Maurice Béjart's troupe for 15 years in Lausanne.

Since the release of Shadow, the news has caught up with the history of this strong title, with the gigantic forest fires that have struck Australia and destroyed a dizzying number of animals, including several endemic species already threatened.

Long before these events, Evi had planned a trip "down under" for the shooting of his next clip in New Zealand ...


